
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

NFL to vote on New Rule To Reward Teams for Hiring "People Of Color".

The league came up with a new rule to reward teams who hire African American Head Coaches and general managers.

Jim Trotter broke the news "BREAKING: NFL owners will vote next week on a resolution that would improve a team's draft position if it hires a person of color as head coach or general manager, per sources. Currently there are only 2 black GMs & 4 HCs of color, matching 17-year low👇🏾 "  
The NFL disabled the link.

Jim doesnt mention any of the other minorities, do they not have jobs.

This rule hurts civil rights as it was made to promote African American in the NFL. I understand it says person of color but it wasn't written with all minorities in mind. 

Latinos, Middle Eastern, Native Americans, Pacific Islander, Asian Americans and Women of all races should be extremely upset. How are they going to get a fair shake in the excutive roles? 

They're already the minority to the African Americans in the NFLPA, why? How come 7 out of 10 players in the NFL are African American? Teams should be rewarded to sign and draft non African American players. Maybe a salary cap bonus or an extra draft pick.

This meme of Gru says a lot but it brings up a good question, when did race and gender become qualifications for employment.

Minorities are the most physically gifted. That is why they are the Majority of the NFLPA. Coaching is about mental smarts, not physical gifts. So the best strategists get the jobs. 

While Everyone should be allowed to coach, regardless of skin color or gender. Excutive jobs should go to the best strategists, accountants and such. Just because a person doesnt have the physical tools to play, doesn't mean they don't understand the mental side of the NFL.

Don't claim it's racism when minorities are the majority of players, mainly African Americans. If anyone has the room to complain, it's the non african American Minorities and women. 

Why aren't there more asian players or Women coaches in the NFL? Skin color has no place in determining if one is qualified to be a head coach and gender has no place in determining if one is qualified to be vice president. Sadly in 2020, The NFL and the Democratic party are making it such. 

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