While I knew basically what Fish species I wanted, I never researched about the fish, outside of temperature and water parameters. I'm good on my substrate but could be better.
Most people think all there is to fish keeping is, getting a fish and dropping it into a bowl full of tap water. How many times have you seen or experienced going to a carnival or fair, won a gold fish, brought it home just for it to die within a week? Then think to yourself, I didn't do anything wrong; it must've been sick. Wrong!!! It was you. Nine times out of ten, the fish die from lack of proper care.
Here's a tip, if this happens, go out and get a bottle of declorinator ASAP and a sponge or box filter kit asap. Most pet stores sell them cheap. Even walmart.
Back to my tank.I spent all day trying to look up tank mates, making sure my substrate was good, figuring out how many of each I could keep, and so on.
I had to spend around twelve hours trying to figure all this out. Going through link after link, page after page. YouTube video after YouTube video. And you know what?
I'm not done. I don't know if it was because I am looking for details on specific species of fish in the genre I want but I didn't find half the Info I was looking for. So tomorrow it will be back to the drawing board.
A lot of people get into the hobby and want simpler fish. Gold fish, Neon Tetras, Bettas, which don't require as much time in research. Those who want a glofish community, well that's a bit more work. Not all fish require the same amount of data for their care.
Be prepared to do research. It will save you money and save innocent pets' lives.
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