
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A letter to my readers

I've been going pretty hard to make sure I deliver one quality article for the DPN supporters. I've written anywhere from 3 to 10 articles a day going back months. I cannot remember the last time I took a day off and focused on other hobbies. 

There's a saying quality over quantity but when one barely knows the difference between crap and acceptable, one doesn't know when they've written that quality article. 

Today is September 8th, 2020. Since September 1st, I have written 27 blogs. I am lucky if I have a post with more than three readers. Too many with 1 or none.

Over the past two months maybe longer I have skipped on my water changes for my fish tanks. People have no Idea how far behind the one I missed out on DPN's live stream was. 

I have blown off people, slacked at work, even failed to give my two cats the proper amount of attention. I am going to take a couple of days to recharge before I start up again.

I have been trying to read a blog or to just go live and give my opinion on a subject on Sportscastr because I wasn't getting the post interaction I needed. I knew my time with DPN was going to come to an end soon because they didn't need me for what I was doing. I have had nothing but issues with going live on Sportscastr. With the company refusing to create an app, I was S.O.L.

I am debating creating a Facebook page, where I can go live and attempt to read one of my articles a day. I am horrible with reading out loud and Although I can talk better free flowing, I for some reason become absent minded. 

So if you're reading this, thank you for getting this far. I appreciate my readers. However few you may be. 
Thank you,

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