
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The CBA, The Crying Millionaires, and The Working Man

Aaron Rodgers, Richard Sherman, Maurkice Pouncey, Landon Collins, Allan Robertson II, Russell Wilson, and several other upper class players are against the new CBA which helps the middle and working class players in the league.
The Players will vote within the coming weeks on the new CBA. If passed will go into effect immediately. This benefits owners as well as the working class of the NFLPA, and lock them into an agreement until the 2030 season has completed.
The upperclassmen of the NFLPA don't like that the new CBA would start immediately and would make the final year of the current CBA, Nul and void. There's extra money in it for them if the Final year stays, while there's nothing in it for the lower paid players.

By not adding two games, the NFL messed up, as there is uncertainty over which teams will be playing 9 home games. The league would not be able to add an 18th game until the CBA expires hurting expansion, if passed. Owners however, gave themselves until 2023 to figure it out.
If the CBA passes, the players are also looking at a jump from collecting 47% of league revenue to around 49%. The would be getting just under half of the league's money, and the percentage would not be allowed to be lowered by the league. The players would also get additional money from gambling, among other areas.
The lower class of the NFLPA, which is about 60% of the union, would see a 20% pay raise. Depending on years of experience, some players would make almost $600,000 more. Mr. "Discount Double Check" Aaron Rodgers is said to be against raising the minimum salaries. One must be curious why Aaron doesn't want his teammates to get a pay raise, is it so there's more money for him?
Current contracts would be adjusted to give players an amount equal to a 1/17 percentage of their current contract as a bonus for the 17th game.

The Upperclass are upset that their future contracts will not be fully guaranteed. They want to remove the safety nets the league has used to protect themselves from player injury or early retirement removed.
However, the league made changes to the guaranteed money, and the fully funded rule, that will allow the members of the NFLPA to negotiate for more guaranteed money when the players sign/resign contracts.
With the 17th game teams add two more players to the active roster, one required to be an offensive lineman. The practice squad will increase to 14 players by 2022 and those players will receive a weekly pay increase, as well as benefits.

Owners are protecting their assets, when it comes to players. They have voted to be able to call up two players from their practice squad each week, bringing the active roster to 55. Each player can be called up and sent down twice before having to be sent through the waiver process.
Teams will have to learn to manage this as each time a player is called up, they receive active roster pay instead of their practice squad checks. This will also give players a better chance of earning a paycheck.
Teams will still only be able to use one tag on players. Rookie contract players will get raises/bonuses for play, and the 5th year options will be fully guaranteed.

Players will now receive paychecks over 8 months of the year, instead of the current system of 4 months.
There is also a veteran signing benefit, allowing teams to sign two veterans of over four years experience to contracts and a % will be paid for by the league.
There will be pay increases based on performance, as well as additional pay for playing in the pre and post season games. The league will also be providing more benefits for current and former players.

Todd Marinovich, Rob Gronkowski, Josh "Flash" Gordon, and Marshawn Lynch will happy that the league will no longer be tested for marijuana. Drug test will will start two weeks before camp and players will be allowed to have 150 nanograms of THC in their blood. A medical board will determine if a player needs help and the risk of suspension will be low.

There will also be new rules for performance enhancing drugs and DUI, with set suspension for violations being written into league rules for fairness.
Goodell will be replaced with an arbitrator. Both teams and players should see less fines. The NFL in exchange increased punishments for players who holdout and all players who don't report to or leave camp.

Players will now make money off training camp, but not to the amount the upper class of the NFLPA want. Players will also get paid for the first round bye week.
The new playoff rule will also see an elimination of the number two seed bye. This has angered the upper class of the NFLPA. As They are expected to see less time off in the regular season now as teams will fight to have a bye week off for extra planning, in the post season. Players will see pay increases all throughout the playoffs.
Players also won on international games and will receive more money from playing over seas due to lost revenues. This will help teams like Jacksonville who are set to play two games out of country.
The New CBA will help both sides. There are area's where the owners screwed themselves, like by not allowing for the possibility of an 18th game before the CBA expires. There are also the upper class elite of the NFLPA who don't benefit from this contract, as much as the working man of the NFLPA. Both sides will have things they don't like but as a whole, they should be happy with the CBA agreement, and should pass it soon. Making NFL and football fans very happy that football won't stop.

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