Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Why Does Florez Get People Angry But Chung Had People Feeling Meh?

In 2021 Eugene Chung came forward with accusations against the NFL and violation of the Rooney rule. He quoted an NFL team of telling him he "wasn't the right minority." The NFL did a mock investigation and even claimed to be working with Chung on the matter on improving racial equality in the NFL. Chung came out almost immediately afterwards and said the NFL had barely talked to him after he came forward and that he wasn't working with the NFL but would like to. There was hardly any outrage from the fans over this matter. 

Flash forward to 2022. Brian Florez gets released and comes forward with accusations accusing the NFL again of violating the Rooney rule and is taking the NFL to court. Fans are demanding answers. The story is getting major media attention and there is a public outrage. 

It's true, the NFL has to improve it's racial relations and internal processes with hiring front office and coaching candidates. The NFL should not be let off the hook for discrimination against anyone. There is a lot the NFL has to do as such a public entity to improve the image of how race and equality should be handled. They need to be an example for all businesses.

However, fans need to be held accountable. Why was the accusations against Chung, a Korean American and assistant coach ignored but the accusations against an African American and former head coach validated? Why was there not calls for further investigations and changes? Why was there such little media attention? The answer is the media knew that there was no money in it because like Chung was told, "he wasn't the right minority."

That show's there's a huge double standard in this country and on this continent on how minorities are to be treated. That not all minorities are the same and that some minorities are still okay to be discriminated against. That as long as "they're not a minority you care about, it's okay to discriminate against them." It's sickening. And to any media outlets that didn't give Chung the same coverage as Florez is now being given, shame on you.

On this continent Indigenous people, Asians, Middle Easterns, Africans, Polynesians, Hispanic and Latins, and other ethnicities are still being discriminated against and killed for the color of their skin. There is still much work to be done in the fight for equality. From the media to the homeless shelters we need all inequalities and discrimination called out.

To anyone that was not upset about the accusations that Eugene Chung made and how the NFL handled it less than a year ago but is now vocalizing their anger over the Florez case, you need to take a look in the mirror and address your own racism because you're contributing to the inequality problem in the world. 

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