Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Eugene Ford says The Rainbow Warriors wanna play now.

There's been a lot of talk about college football, especially from the players and coaches. The NCAA is shutting down most of the conferences due to poor handling of the pandemic.

Yesterday, I wrote a piece on how to handle the season. Today one of The Hawaii Rainbow Warriors,  Senior Eugene Ford had an interview where he discussed the team's thoughts on the virus and moral.

When asked about the cancellation of the season, Ford was pretty clear. "The team was disappointed for the cancellation of the season. We want to play." Ford said himself and his teammates "live for Saturdays!"

They asked him about covid and the teams handling if the virus. Ford said "We follow all rules and they check in on us daily to make sure we're good and communicating. We've done everything asked, wearing masks and staying six feet apart." Eugene also said if a player had symptoms, that they were treated immediately.

Here's the thing. It only takes one hit for a player to suffer an injury. Broken bones and torn ligaments are common injuries in football. Concussion, paralysis, and even heart attacks are also injuries that can occur. 

We trust these men to make decisions with their lives. These players know that football to many of them is their degree. That the degree they are going for probably won't pay off because the market is flooded with qualified people. That only a handful of degrees actually pay out of college. 

The students and coaches are corporate employees. Players have been fighting for the rights to their names, likenesses, and sponsors rights because it's a billion dollar industry. 

The NCAA has been fighting them. They do the same work as pro athletes but also attend school. To help my point, Trevor Lawrence started a charity to help people during the crisis and the NCAA made him shut it down because they own his likeness.

If these men are allowed to normally choose to put their health on the line, a decision that could effect their lives permanently, they should be allowed to make that decision now. Stop treating them with kid gloves.

Especially, since they get treated like corporate employees. Even worse, some of them actually have to pay for college to play, which is worse than being treated like a corporate employee. Like it or not, football is work.

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