Sunday, June 21, 2020

Mayer requests players to stop joint training

On Saturday June 20th, teams received a major blow. Chief Medical Official for the NFL, Dr. Thomas Mayer requested all players immediately stop any workouts with other players.

In his statement , Mayer told players that the league is doing everything they can to come up with a way to keep players safe but again reiterated that players avoid trying to keep some form of normalcy until called upon to report to their corporate facilities.

In his statement Mayer said "Please be advised that it is our consensus medical opinion that in light of the increase in COVID-19 cases in certain states that no players should be engaged in practicing together in private workouts. Our goal is to have all players and your families as healthy as possible in the coming months."

There have been several organizations that have come up with infectious personal including Dallas, San Francisco, Tampa, Denver, and Houston. All reporting cases this week. The NFL is trying to protect it's corporate employees but this is evident that there are lapses in their policy.

98.5 the sports hub reported on Dr. Mayer's statement saying "It's worth noting that while the NFLPA cannot outright ban its players from getting together, their advice here certainly comes with an eye for the future, as Mayer noted that this suggestion comes with the parties wanting to have the smoothest operation possible when teams begin to report to camp next month."

Now while the NFLPA doesn't have the power, one must wonder what kinda power Roger Goodell has in stopping those with NFL salaries from meeting. This statement by Dr. Mayers comes after The Leading voice on the coronavirus, Dr. Fauci came out and said the NFL couldn't keep their players safe unless they played in bubbles.

Something The NFL and Dr. Mayer disagreed with. So far the NFL and NFLPA are not doing well with keeping players safe. With the Virus spiking in 22 states, it is going to be hard for the NFL to keep personal safe. Especially for the 7 months that they normally gather. The NFL is on the Max Kellerman Cliff with the coronavirus and is going to have to take drastic measures to keep the season from going over.

It could be coincidence but keep in mind the League was doing okay until Tom Brady decided to Join the Buccaneers and things have only gotten worse since Gronkowski joined Brady and both received uniforms. Is fate punishing the NFL for the dynamic duo disrupting the natural order of the NFL?

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